Artist Statement
When one looks at a Marcia Wyatt creation it is difficult not to want to reach out and touch it. The vibrant colors in each of her pieces illustrate the vitality of the artist herself. This dimensionality of her creations brings out a child like exuberance in us all. Each painting has the ability to stay brand new as one discovers another level, another hidden treasure.
Marcia, ever adventurous, has developed her new pieces from years of work in various mediums, bringing them together in a free-spirited, barely contained expression. Her paintings, like living objects, seek light whether the finish is matte or highly reflective and iridescent.
You will find that no two people will interpret any of Marcia’s paintings in the same way, reflecting the viewers own highly personal connection to art. It is our hope that you to will enjoy the unpredictability of each piece and find in Marcia Wyatt’s work the joy of life and rediscovery.